The Vault Project was created when the government and U.S. health agencies used the COVID-19 “plandemic” to usher in unprecedented mandates that violated our rights and infringed upon our freedoms. Even though the “public health emergency” has ended, we believe COVID-19 was just the beginning.
At The Vault Project, you’ll find articles, research, and resources to help you make an informed decision about COVID-19 and vaccines—and accurate information that’s been censored everywhere else.
Dive into the vault.
At The Vault Project, we’re all about giving you accurate information on COVID-19, so that you can make educated, evidence-based informed decisions.
“‘Emergencies’ have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded.” – Friedrich August von Hayek

The Archive
The perfect place to find buried studies, peer-reviewed papers written by independent researchers, articles by censored experts, whistleblower documents, and objective information you can read and share.

Knowledge Base
Information about COVID vaccines can be overwhelming, and much of what we’re told is misinformation designed to manipulate or coerce us into accepting an experimental injection. You have a right to informed consent. The knowledge base is designed to ensure you’re given that right.

If you’re not sure how to write a religious exemption, how to obtain a medical exemption, what form your doctor needs to fill out, or how to assert your right to a vaccine exemption with your employer, check our pre-crafted forms you can use as a template.
Subscribe to The Vault Project.
How do I contact The Vault Project?
You can reach us on our contact page or by emailing us at info@thevaultproject.org.
What are my rights?
The Vault Project is dedicated to providing you with the up-to-date, truthful, and accurate information you need to help you understand your rights as an employee, student, parent, and U.S. citizen. Please visit our “Start Here” page to learn more.
How do I get a vaccine exemption?
Our team has compiled an extensive list of resources to help you obtain a medical, religious, or philosophical vaccine exemption. Visit our section on “vaccine exemptions” and check out the templates on our resources page.