A Master List of Where Colleges Stand on COVID Vaccine Mandates

As students head back to school, many are asking where their college now stands on COVID-19 vaccine mandates. Some of the best colleges still mandate COVID vaccines — even though there is no fully approved vaccine available in the U.S. and science shows the vaccine neither prevents infection nor transmission.
Other top-tier schools have either chosen not to implement a mandate or have dropped their mandates altogether.
No College Mandates (NCM) has compiled a master spreadsheet of where colleges stand on COVID vaccine mandates.
NCM was created to “assist families in the college search, especially those looking out of state, and to provide a birds-eye view of COVID vaccine policies across U.S. colleges.”
According to NCM’s “about” page, NCM is a group of “concerned parents, professors, students and other college stakeholders working towards the common goal of ending COVID-19 vaccine mandates.”
They believe it is the fundamental right of each individual to “freely choose which medical interventions to receive based on informed consent.”
To date, no long-term safety data exists for COVID-19 vaccines. NCM believes the coercive nature of college vaccine mandates completely disregards students’ individual freedom and right to bodily autonomy.
“Institutions of higher learning which impose vaccine mandates do not uphold the very civil rights and liberties they teach and purport to vehemently defend,” NCM states on its website.
NCM has compiled the most exhaustive spreadsheet of publically available information on U.S. college COVID-19 vaccine mandates and continuously updates the spreadsheet at this link.
Poll shows parents and republicans are least likely to support COVID vaccine mandates
According to a Gallup poll published on Aug. 15, 2022, the public is “mostly divided” on whether students at all levels of education should be required to be vaccinated against COVID as a condition of in-person attendance. The biggest contrast is between parents and non-parents, and those who identify as democrat or republican.
Here is a summary of the results:
- Between 48% and 54% support student vaccination requirements.
- Fewer are in favor of vaccination requirements than were a year ago.
- Parents of children under 18 are less supportive than nonparents.
Parents of school-aged children are significantly less likely than nonparents to favor COVID vaccine mandates at all education levels. Only about 4 in 10 parents favor them for any student age group, while between 51% and 57% of nonparents support them.

Political party affiliation was the most significant indicator for support of vaccine mandates. For example, 88% of Democrats surveyed support vaccination requirements compared to only 18% of republicans.

In all party groups, parents of school-aged children are least likely to favor vaccination requirements. For example, 72% of Democratic parents versus 83% of Democratic nonparents favor vaccination mandates for elementary school students. Among independents, figures are 30% for parents and 44% for nonparents. Among Republicans, 7% of parents compared to 15% of nonparents favor requiring elementary students to get vaccinated.
Parents — the group largely responsible for compliance with vaccination requirements — are more likely to oppose than support requiring vaccines for all student age groups.