The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) said it will abide by a court order issued by the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, and suspend enforcement of the Biden administration’s COVID vaccine mandate on businesses with more than 100 employees. In a statement shared on OSHA’s website, the agency said, “The court ordered that OSHA ‘take no steps to […]
NIH Senior Scientist Risks Job and License in Fight Against COVID Vaccine Mandates
A senior bioethicist who heads a research team at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) is taking the lead at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the debate over the ethics of COVID vaccine mandates. Dr. Matthew Memoli, director of the Laboratory of Infectious Diseases at NIH, will argue against vaccine mandates during a Dec. 1 […]
Federal Appeals Court Affirms Block on Vaccine Mandate for Employers, Slams Biden Administration for Using OSHA as a ‘Work-Around’ to Force Vaccines
A federal appeals court blocked the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) emergency temporary standard (ETS) requiring businesses with 100 or more employees to mandate COVID-19 vaccinations or weekly testing by Jan. 4, stating the rule “grossly exceeds” the authority of the occupational safety agency that issued it. In a 22-page opinion issued on Friday, a three-judge […]
20 Research Studies Challenge Bad Science Used to Justify COVID Vaccine Mandates
The following research papers and studies raise doubts that COVID vaccine mandates are backed by science and good public health practice. Anyone seeking to challenge these mandates should consult these carefully. They demonstrate that these mandates provide no overall health benefit to the community and can even be harmful. Instead, the decision to accept the […]
Are COVID Vaccines a ‘Crime Against Humanity’ and Violation of International Law?
An international alliance of physicians and medical scientists met in Rome, Italy on Sept. 27 and signed a declaration accusing COVID-19 policy-makers of “crimes against humanity” for preventing the use of life-saving treatments for their patients, “resulting in hundreds of thousands of unnecessary patient deaths.” As of Oct. 22, more than 12,700 doctors and scientists […]