Army Punishes 3,000 Soldiers Who Refused to Receive COVID Vaccines, Two Exemptions Granted for Marines
19 Federal Agencies Propose Plans to Track People Who Request Religious Exemptions to COVID Vaccines
Nineteen federal agencies have created or proposed creating tracking lists for people who request religious exemptions to the COVID vaccine mandates imposed by the Biden administration, raising concerns over privacy, what the administration plans to do with the information, how it will be shared and how it could be used to discriminate against individuals for […]
The Government’s “Religious Exemption” Process for COVID Vaccines Is a Farce
On Jan. 10, the Liberty Counsel reported that out of the more than 21,000 requests submitted by members of the U.S. Armed Forces for a religious exemption from the COVID vaccine requirement, not a single one had been approved. A perfect goose egg. Apparently, active duty service members are no longer afforded the rights granted by the […]
How One Physician Got a Pharmacy to Fulfill His Prescription for Ivermectin (Sample Legal Letter)
Doctors across the country are having difficulty getting pharmacies to fill their prescriptions for ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine — two inexpensive and highly effective drugs used to treat early COVID. But Dr. Brian Tyson, a family medicine doctor and early COVID treatment expert, didn’t take “no” for an answer. Tyson retained a lawyer (same last name, […]
How Pharmacists Are Willfully or Fearfully Preventing Physicians from Treating COVID patients
I am exhausted: physically, emotionally and morally. Although I am not sure moral exhaustion is “a thing,” the daily witnessing of masses of physicians and pharmacists abandoning their core responsibility of placing the welfare of the patient as their primary consideration…is beyond wearying. In the United States of Pharma, individual docs and pharmacists have been […]