The United States Supreme Court on Thursday issued a highly-anticipated decision on two of the Biden Administration’s COVID vaccine mandates. There is good news and bad news that came out of the Court’s decision. The good news is the Court rejected the Biden administration’s mandate requiring employees of large businesses to be vaccinated against COVID or undergo weekly testing […]
Professor Ehud Qimron’s Letter to the Israeli Ministry of Health, ‘It’s Time to Admit Failure’
Professor Ehud Qimron is the head of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Tel Aviv University and a leading Israeli immunologist. Qimron, on Jan. 6, 2021, wrote a powerful letter sharply criticizing the Israeli Ministry of Health and the global management of the COVID pandemic. The letter summarizes the many failings of the lockdown-based pandemic […]
Pfizer CEO Admits Two Dose COVID Vaccine is Useless, Announces Plans to Alter DNA
In a series of astonishing admissions, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla acknowledged during a round of interviews Monday two doses of the company’s COVID vaccine offers “very limited, if any protection.” Bourla also announced its new COVID vaccine will launch in March tailored to the up-and-coming Omircon variant that Americans no doubt will be mandated to […]
Supreme Court Hears Challenges to Vaccine Mandates, Level of Disinformation Absolutely Astonishing
The Supreme Court of the United States today heard oral arguments pertaining to two of the Biden administration’s COVID vaccine mandates. The focus of the hearing was whether to stay or to grant temporary injunctions requested by plaintiffs in a number of lawsuits challenging the emergency mandates for millions of Americans. The two cases pertain to the […]
Federal Judge Orders FDA to Produce 55,000 Pages of Pfizer Safety Data Per Month
In a major blow to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), a federal judge on Thursday ordered the agency to produce all data it utilized in approving Pfizer’s COVID vaccine at a rate of 55,000 pages per month — which means all information should be available within eight months. In ordering the release of […]