Two key bricks seem to have already fallen from the COVID vaccines’ narrative — the one about their fantastic efficacy against infections and the one about their superb safety. However, one stubborn narrative brick seems to stand still, leading many people to believe that the booster doses of the vaccines are capable of providing long-term […]
Research Studies
Recent Studies Show Bivalent COVID-19 Vaccines Don’t Work
Two recently published studies show that Bivalent COVID-19 shots don’t provide better protection than the dismal protection conferred by the original vaccines. The first study published on Jan. 11 in the New England Journal of Medicine found “boosting with new bivalent mRNA vaccines targeting both the BA.4–BA.5 variant and the D614G strain did not elicit […]
Vitamin D Supplementation May Lower Risk of Severe COVID-19, Study Shows
A new paper found a strong association between vitamin D supplementation and a protective effect on ICU admission in COVID-19 patients, adding more scientific support to the position that alternatives exist to vaccines that may lower one’s risk of experiencing severe disease. In a study published on Jan. 23 in Pharmaceuticals, researchers conducted a meta-analysis […]
Pfizer’s Bivalent COVID Booster Potentially Linked to Strokes, CDC Launches Investigation
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced Friday it has launched an investigation into Pfizer’s bivalent COVID booster after identifying a preliminary “safety signal” for ischemic strokes in people 65 and older. This is the same COVID booster authorized by the FDA and CDC last August based on a “safety study” of only […]
1,598 Athletes Experienced Cardiac Arrest, 1,101 Died After Receiving a COVID Vaccine
It is rare for young athletes to experience cardiac arrest or die while playing their sport, but since the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines in Dec. 2020, many have suspected this very thing is happening. A peer-reviewed paper published on Dec. 21 in the Scandinavian Journal of Immunology by Dr. Peter McCullough and biologist Panagis Polykretis found […]