CDC Drops New Vaccination Schedule, Adds More Shots

The CDC just published its 2025 vaccine immunization schedule and now recommends more than 200 routine injections. This includes five vaccinations during pregnancy, over 70 vaccinations from birth to age 18, and more than 130 routine adult vaccinations up to age 79. If you include the barrage of non-routine vaccinations, it’s even more.

If following CDC recommendations, here is what a baby receives during its first 0-12 months of life:

  • 2x Hepatitis A (HepA)
  • 3x Hepatitis B (HepB)
  • 3x Rotavirus
  • 3x Diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (DTaP)
  • 3x Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)
  • 4x Pneumococcal conjugate (PCV15)
  • 3x Polio (IPV)
  • 3x COVID19
  • 1x Influenza
  • 1x Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
  • 1x Measles, mumps and rubella (MMR)
  • 1x Varicella

That’s 28 doses during an infant’s first year of life made by pharmaceutical companies with zero liability for the injuries or death caused by their products—and who profit from not only the initial vaccine dose but the diseases they create.

Pregnant women are now told they need at least five injections (seven vaccines) during pregnancy, including influenza, COVID-19, Tdap, RSV, and a flu booster if it’s a “bad season.” This push comes despite glaring gaps in long-term safety studies for vaccines in pregnancy. The pharmaceutical companies and regulatory agencies reassuring us these are safe might as well hail from the Land of Oz, where data transparency and accountability don’t exist.

To put the insanity of current vaccine recommendations in perspective, in 1986, the CDC recommended seven routine “immunizations” from birth to 12 months.


That’s fewer than most babies now receive in a single doctor’s visit.

Of course, even those vaccines were far from perfect. The DTP vaccine, for instance, was riddled with side effects, including autism, and was ultimately replaced due to public outrage. And the oral polio vaccine? It caused vaccine-derived polio.

But fast forward to today, and the CDC schedule is unrecognizable. They can’t claim the schedule is about preventing polio or measles anymore. For example, the CDC recommends vaccinating against hepatitis B—an infection primarily spread through high-risk adult behaviors like IV drug use and unprotected sex. Why is this being injected into hours-old newborns, especially when any supposed immunity it does provide against diseases obtained from risky behaviors infants are not participating in wears off?

The agency also recommends numerous experimental gene-therapy COVID-19 jabs, flu shots that have a greater chance of powering a light bulb than they do at preventing the flu, and a rotavirus vaccine co-invented by a physician who sits on the FDA’s “independent” vaccine advisory panel.

None of these injections have been proven safe for children utilizing pre-licensure placebo-controlled studies. No study exists showing the CDC’s recommended schedule is safe, let alone that co-administering these vaccines is safe. Moreover, any immunity provided by a vaccine is temporary at best. (The COVID-19 injection doesn’t provide any immunity at all.)

Although many physicians across the United States are now awake thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is not enough. As parents, it is your job to familiarize yourself with the recommendations, to scrutinize the science, and to ask questions:

  • Are there pre-licensure, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies using inert placebos on these vaccines?
  • Where are the studies that show co-administering any of these vaccines is safe?
  • Where are the studies showing administering vaccines during pregnancy is safe?
  • Who funded and conducted the studies?
  • What ingredients are used in vaccines, and do the carcinogens, neurotoxins, and hazardous wastes they contain exceed acceptable levels (assuming you believe there are acceptable levels)?
  • What were the rates of disease before vaccine licensure?
  • What is my child’s risk of acquiring severe COVID-19 if not vaccinated?
  • If my child suffers a serious adverse event, what is my recourse? (Are you prepared to fight in a no-win system for barely acceptable and almost impossible to obtain compensation?)

What is certain is that the current and 2025 vaccination schedules were not created for the benefit of America’s children—or in the name of public health. If this were about public health, the scientific standards would be much higher, and they would not be so quick to trade a benign childhood illness (or an illness a child has an almost zero chance of acquiring) for a lifelong, debilitating chronic disease. The current vaccination schedule supports a billion-dollar industry created and maintained to benefit pharmaceutical companies.