Fauci To Testify Before Congressional Committee on Failed COVID-19 Response

Dr. Anthony Fauci, former chief medical advisor to President Biden and former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), has agreed to testify before a House panel on the origins of COVID-19 and the government’s failed response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In a press release issued by the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, Chairman Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio) said Americans will have the opportunity to hear directly from Dr. Fauci on June 3 about his role in overseeing the nation’s pandemic response and promoting “singular questionable narratives” on the origins of COVID-19.

Fauci previously appeared before the same subcommittee for a closed-door, two-day, 14-hour interview earlier this year.

“During Dr. Fauci’s closed-door interview in January, he testified to serious systemic failures in our public health system that deserve further investigation, including his testimony that the ‘6 feet apart’ social distancing guidance—which was used to shut down small businesses and schools across America—‘sort of just appeared,” Wenstrup said.

“This raises significant concerns about public health officials and the validity of their policy recommendations during the COVID-19 pandemic. We also learned that he believes the lab leak hypothesis he publicly downplayed should not be dismissed as a conspiracy theory. As the face of America’s public health response to the COVID-19 pandemic, these statements raise serious questions that warrant public scrutiny.”

The Select Subcommittee, on May 1, will hold a public hearing with EcoHealth Alliance President Dr. Peter Daszak on the origin of COVID-19 to “provide essential background” ahead of Dr. Fauci’s hearing.

Rep. Raul Ruiz, D-Calif., called the hearing an “extreme fishing expedition.”

“Nearly half a million pages of documents and more than a dozen transcribed interviews with current and former federal public health officials and researchers—including 14 hours of testimony from Dr. Fauci himself—have failed to uncover any evidence that he sought to cover up the pandemic’s origins or suppress the lab leak theory,” Ruiz said.

FBI Tipped Off That Fauci’s Agency Funded GoF Research

According to emails recently obtained by Judicial Watch, the FBI was tipped off in April 2020 that gain-of-function research in China, funded by the NIAID, “would leave no signature of purposeful human manipulation.”

In an April 23, 2020 email exchange with the subject line “Follow up call,” a person (name redacted) shares details and analysis with FBI officials at the Newark Field Office related to the NIAID’s $661,000 grant to EcoHealth Alliance for bat coronavirus research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. 

“The reason I am writing is that the experimental strategy proposed in Aim 3 (‘infectious clone technology’), if performed using commercial or in-house gene synthesis to prepare the infectious clones, *** would leave no signatures of purposeful human manipulation***,” the email states.

The sender appears to have been previously interviewed by FBI agents at the Newark field office and broke down the details of the EcoHealth Alliance’s grant from the NIAID for the agents.

“Hey are you going to be in office tomorrow?” an agent wrote in a message to another person at the bureau. “We just interviewed our person from [redacted], and he provided us with some alarming new info. Give me call if you can.” 

“This interesting, I’m following up with the squad tomorrow morning,” an unnamed assistant special agent in charge of national security said in response to a Newark Field Office Special Agent in Charge Gregory Ehrie.

Ehrie replies: “[Redacted] Details when you can.” 

Previous emails obtained by Judicial Watch show the FBI opened an “inquiry” into the National Institute of Health’s grant related to coronavirus bat research in Wuhan but determined last year an “accidental lab leak” was most likely the cause of the COVID-19 pandemic.