Final COVID-19 Pandemic Report Shatters Official Narratives

Burning questions and conspiracy theories about the COVID-19 pandemic were answered on Monday when the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic published its two-years-in-the-making final report on the pandemic. Rest assured, those of you who felt ostracized for questioning arbitrary COVID-19 guidelines or decided not to follow the herd by wearing a mask and isolating yourself indefinitely from a virus you were certain came from a lab should feel validated by the findings.

The 520-page document exposes high-level corruption in America’s public health system, confirms the most plausible explanation for the origin of the pandemic, and calls some of COVID-19’s bad actors.

Since February 2023, this committee has sent more than 100 investigative letters, transcribed more than 30 interviews and depositions, held 25 hearings and meetings, and reviewed more than a million pages of documents to get to the bottom of where Sars-CoV-2 came from and the federal government’s highly questionable and arguably scientifically unjustified response.

Nobody has been held accountable for destroying businesses, implementing lockdowns, promoting face diapers, imposing vaccine mandates, or hindering the alternative treatments that could have saved countless lives. Still, there’s something to be said for calling out the elephant in the room, which this document certainly does.

Here are its key findings:

COVID-19 Likely Originated From Lab in Wuhan, China

The subcommittee concluded that COVID-19 most likely originated from a lab in Wuhan, China, contradicting early public health narratives that blamed a natural zoonotic spillover. Even those without scientific backgrounds knew the idea that this virus came about from happenstance circumstances was far-fetched at best, but now it’s on paper.

Not only that, but there has been no evidence produced that the virus is of natural origin, and there is a plethora of evidence that it came from a lab. For example, according to the report, SARS-CoV-2 features a furin cleavage site, a characteristic that enhances its ability to infect human cells but is not naturally present in similar coronaviruses.

Additionally, all early cases of COVID-19 trace back to a single introduction, undermining theories of multiple spillovers from animals to humans.

Where did the introduction occur? The report states the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) was conducting gain-of-function (GoF) research, often without adequate biosafety measures. They suggest the WIV is the single origin of COVID-19 and that Chinese officials and scientists allegedly obscured early signs of the outbreak.

The report also alleges that three WIV researchers fell ill with COVID-like symptoms as early as November 2019—before the virus was identified at the Huanan wet market.

U.S. Taxpayers Funded Gain-of-Function Research

Through grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), U.S. taxpayer dollars from your hard-earned paychecks were funneled to the WIV for high-risk GoF coronavirus research under the leadership of Dr. Peter Daszak at EcoHealth.

GoF research is a dangerous scientific practice where researchers manipulate viruses or other pathogens to make them more infectious, deadly, or transmissible to humans. This controversial practice is often justified as a way to predict future outbreaks, but it carries a high risk of accidental release. What happens when a virus made more lethal is accidentally released? It can cause a global pandemic that kills people.

“Scientific Consensus” Around Natural Origin Was Engineered

According to the report, the scientific consensus around the virus’s natural origin was engineered. Specifically, the report accuses Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Francis Collins of orchestrating efforts to suppress the lab-leak hypothesis.

The committee zeroed in on the controversial paper, The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2, which became a linchpin for the natural-origin theory. According to the subcommittee, this paper was conceived after private emails among scientists expressed concerns about the virus’s unnatural features. The final publication dismissed the lab leak theory without adequate evidence, allowing public health officials and media outlets to marginalize dissenting views.

Virus Origins and Alternative Treatments Were Censored

The report found that open dialogue during the pandemic was suppressed and censored, particularly around the origins of the virus and alternative treatment options.

  • Ivermectin: The committee found that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and other public health officials falsely implied that Ivermectin—an inexpensive repurposed drug shown to be effective at treating COVID-19—was only for horses and cows. Moreover, doctors were reported for prescribing hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin for off-label use.
  • Government Collusion with Big Tech: The subcommittee found evidence that government agencies pressured social media companies to silence voices questioning lockdowns, mandates, and vaccines. This censorship not only infringed on free speech but also prevented meaningful scientific debate.
  • Media Complicity: Major news outlets amplified official narratives while dismissing alternative views, further deepening public distrust.

The report argues that this suppression of dissenting voices prevented the public from receiving balanced information and hindered the exploration of potentially life-saving treatments.

U.S. Government Imposed Masks, Social Distancing, and Lockdowns Without Scientific Support

The Select Subcommittee’s report found significant failings in the implementation and communication of policies regarding masks, social distancing, and lockdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic.

For example, there was inconsistent and contradictory guidance on masks. U.S. health agencies initially discouraged their use before later mandating them without clear evidence of their real-world effectiveness. During a March 8, 2020, interview on 60 Minutes, Dr. Fauci stated that masks might provide a psychological benefit but were unlikely to offer the level of protection people expected.

This aligned with late March 2020 guidance from the CDC, which recommended mask use only for those ill or caring for someone sick. Barely a month later, the CDC reversed its position. The agency went so far as to promote homemade cloth masks, even sharing a video tutorial on how to make masks with T-shirts and rubber bands.

Scientific studies did not support widespread masking, particularly with cloth and surgical masks, nor did the science show masks reduced transmission. Furthermore, mask policies became heavily politicized, symbolizing political allegiance rather than evidence-based public health measures.

Social distancing measures, such as the “six-foot rule,” share a similar story. Social distancing guidelines were arbitrary measures based on outdated or incomplete science that did not slow the spread of the virus. What these mandates did do is impose confusion in grocery stores, hinder schools, and devastate businesses. They also caused significant harm to mental health, economic stability, and in educational settings where children enjoyed days of institutionalization and isolation.

While lockdowns may have temporarily slowed the spread, the report argues prolonged lockdowns caused immeasurable harm to not only the American economy but also to the mental and physical health of Americans, especially children.

“Rather than prioritizing the protection of the most vulnerable populations, federal and state government policies forced millions of Americans to forgo the crucial elements of a healthy and financially sound life,” a press release from the subcommittee states.

Small businesses, low-income workers, and minority communities suffered disproportionately, mental health issues increased, and people experienced increased mortality because COVID-19 was prioritized and the expense of treatment for other health conditions.

Failures in Public Health Leadership

The report pulls no punches in assessing America’s public health leadership. It accuses several officials of knowingly misleading the public, spreading misinformation, and fostering confusion during the pandemic’s most critical moments. The report also criticizes the government for imposing heavy-handed vaccine mandates while downplaying potential adverse effects and ignoring the role of natural immunity.

The committee calls out specific individuals, such as Dr. Fauci, for prioritizing political narratives over scientific integrity. These actions, it argues, have left lasting scars on public trust in health institutions.

COVID-19 Vaccines Did Not Work

The report provides a scathing critique of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, approval process, and subsequent mandates. The report found that the vaccine did not prevent virus transmission, contradicting early promises. It also accused the FDA of rushing its approval to meet the Biden Administration’s arbitrary timelines despite warnings from senior FDA scientists about potential risks and adverse events.

Vaccine mandates were imposed without sufficient scientific backing, violated individual freedoms, undermined military readiness, and ignored natural immunity.

The vaccine injury reporting system was deemed inadequate and confusing and failed to inform the public or maintain trust in vaccine safety properly. Furthermore, the government is accused of mishandling vaccine injury compensation and failing to provide fair and transparent adjudication for those injured by the vaccine.

The Select Subcommittee on Dec. 4 will review the proposed report before officially submitting it to the Congressional record. Before the markup, the Select Subcommittee will release additional supporting materials and recommendations.

Read the full report here.