In case you were wondering why God gave you two arms, White House COVID-19 response coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha, is here to remind you: one arm is for your influenza vaccine and the other arm is for your experimental COVID booster.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) official guidance is that you should get a new experimental booster shot this fall. The latest shots — which have only been tested in eight mice and were authorized without any human clinical trials whatsoever — are available now, and can be given at the same time as the ineffective seasonal flu shot.
The problem? It has not been proven safe to give a human being a quadrivalent flu shot and a modified bivalent COVID vaccine at the same time. (At this point, they either think we’re stupid, or they’re trying to kill us.)
The CDC’s website states:
“While limited data exist on giving COVID-19 vaccines with other vaccines, including flu vaccines, experience with giving other vaccines together has shown the way our bodies develop protection and possible side effects are generally similar whether vaccines are given alone or with other vaccines.”
In other words, there is no science to support this “guidance” and the agency is relying on “limited data” and “experience with giving other vaccines together” — none of which are mRNA-based.
As for children, the CDC says if your child is 5 years and older, they should “get their COVID-19 vaccine and annual flu vaccine as soon as possible,” and they can get both at the same time.
During a Sept. 6 White House briefing, Jha suggested the CDC’s recommendation for COVID booster timing lines up with the agency’s advice on flu shots, which is to get vaccinated by the end of October.
“Get it now. If you’ve been vaccinated or [recently] infected, it’s fine to wait a little longer,” Jha said. “But don’t wait too long. Don’t wait until you get into late November, December. Do it sooner rather than later.”
Not only that, Jha said it’s “actually a good idea” to get “both your flu shot and COVID shot at the same time.”
“I really believe this is why God gave us two arms — one for the flu shot and the other one for the COVID shot,” he added.
Jha did not point to any data that shows combining the two shots is safe or effective, and the mainstream media is already peddling the false narrative that people “aren’t likely to get significantly more side effects or — more severe side effects — than they would if they’d only gotten one vaccine or the other.”
Supposed “experts,” told TODAY, that people need to think ahead and plan their appointments well so they can be prepared to “not feel your best for a little while.”
What exactly does this mean and why would getting two shots simultaneously make you “not feel your best?”
Nobody really knows. Once again, you are the experiment.
Data released Friday by the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System show 1,407,409 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID-19 vaccines, including 30,935 deaths and 257,222 serious injuries between December 14, 2020, and Sept. 9, 2022.
If one experiences a serious adverse event after receiving both vaccines at the same time, how can anyone determine causality? They can’t.
Perhaps that was part of the plan.