Experts are calling for COVID-19 “vaccines” to be immediately withdrawn from the market after a new peer-reviewed study found irrefutable evidence that the injections cause harm.
The study, published in Science, Public Health Policy and the Law, asserts that deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) far exceed the recall limits of past vaccine withdrawals, with figures surpassing historical thresholds by as much as 375,340%. Additionally, the analysis revealed that mass COVID-19 vaccination campaigns have led to an alarming increase in mortality, adverse events, and risks that outweigh any perceived benefits.
“We expect that calls for an immediate moratorium on COVID-19 vaccines will continue to increase until a critical mass is reached, and the products are finally removed from the market,” the authors wrote.
“Excess mortality, negative efficacy, and widespread DNA contamination associated with COVID-19 vaccines have been sufficiently demonstrated. The FDA’s criteria for a Class I recall have been far exceeded. No large-scale, conclusive, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials have demonstrated a reduction in infection transmission, hospitalization, or death as primary endpoints. Thus, the COVID-19 vaccines are not proven effective in reducing important clinical outcomes,” they added.
FDA Class I Recall
A Class I recall is the most severe type of recall issued by the FDA. It indicates that a product has a reasonable chance of causing serious injury or death. Historically, vaccines have been withdrawn from the market for far fewer reported deaths than those associated with COVID-19 vaccines.
For example, just two weeks after being hailed as “America’s gift to the world,” the inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) was pulled off the market after it infected more than 40,000 people with polio, left 250 children paralyzed, and resulted in 10 deaths. The Cutter incident of 1955 remains one of the most significant pharmaceutical disasters in history.
The 1976 swine flu vaccine was recalled after 53 reported fatalities, and the Rotashield vaccine in 1999 was suspended after 15 cases of intussusception, a rare, serious condition in which one part of the intestine telescopes into another.
Yet when the study’s authors examined VAERS data from Sep. 6, 2024, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recorded 19,028 U.S. deaths from COVID-19 vaccines reported by healthcare professionals or pharmaceutical companies who believed the product was related to the death. Roughly 1,175 deaths occurred on the same day as vaccination, and 1,250 occurred the day following vaccination.
VAERS, co-managed by the CDC and FDA, serves as a national early warning system for monitoring the safety of vaccines post-licensure. VAERS is a passive surveillance system, meaning it relies on individuals to report adverse events voluntarily. This reliance can lead to underreporting, as not all adverse events are submitted to the system.
Based on a comparison between expected serious adverse event rates from clinical trials and observed reports in VAERS, the study estimated that only 1 in 31 deaths or serious adverse events have been captured by the system.
According to Pfizer’s clinical trial data, serious adverse events occurred 0.7% of the time. When applied to the 197 million vaccine doses administered by August 2021, this suggests 1.4 million serious adverse events.
“This means the American death toll from COVID-19 vaccination may be 589,868 (19,028 x 31). Thus, it is our opinion that more Americans may have died of COVID-19 vaccination than from SARS-CoV-2 infection,” the authors wrote.
VAERS has never recorded this level of reported deaths for any previous vaccine. Despite the alarming numbers, regulatory agencies have not acted on these warning signs. The study’s authors contend that if historical recall standards were applied consistently, COVID-19 vaccines would have been removed from the market long ago.
Excess Mortality Linked to COVID-19 Vaccination
The authors assessed 12 independent studies that showed increased death rates following mass COVID-19 vaccination as part of their analysis.
A November 2024 systematic review of autopsy findings found that 73.9% of post-vaccination deaths were likely caused or significantly contributed to by the vaccine. These findings, from the most extensive autopsy study to date, suggest a strong causal link between COVID-19 shots and fatal adverse events such as myocarditis, blood clots, and sudden cardiac events.
In a study published in the Journal of Research and Applied Medicine, researchers estimated that 17 million vaccine-related deaths had occurred globally by September 2023. Another analysis, examining data from January 2020 to December 2022, attributed 3.1 million excess deaths in Western countries to COVID-19 vaccination and lockdown policies.
Similarly, an October 2023 study estimated that as many as 278,000 Americans may have died from the vaccine by December 2021, while a separate analysis projected between 146,000 and 187,000 U.S. vaccine-associated deaths by mid-2021.
An October 2024 study published in the Journal of Emergency Medicine identified 49,240 excess cardiac arrest deaths in the U.S. between 2021 and 2023, potentially tied to COVID-19 vaccination. Other studies found strong correlations between higher vaccination rates and increased all-cause mortality, showing that individuals who received more than one dose faced an elevated risk of death and reduced life expectancy.
Additional research linked COVID-19 booster shots to an increased risk of death and found a consistent positive association between vaccination rates and excess mortality trends across multiple nations. According to the study, many of the reported deaths occurred within weeks of vaccination, raising serious concerns about the long-term safety of the shots. Data from heavily vaccinated countries show sustained increases in excess mortality, which, the authors argue, contradicts the notion that these vaccines are safe and effective.
Negative Efficacy and Increased Risk of Infection
The study found increasing evidence of negative vaccine efficacy, meaning vaccinated individuals face a higher risk of contracting COVID-19 than their unvaccinated peers.
According to the authors, multiple studies have found that individuals who received three or more doses had up to a 253% increased risk of infection.
These findings suggest that antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE), a phenomenon in which prior vaccination worsens disease outcomes rather than prevents them, could be at play.
To date, no large-scale, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial has shown that COVID-19 vaccines reduce the risk of infection, hospitalization, or death. If COVID-19 vaccines increase infection susceptibility rather than reduce it, then continued administration of booster doses is causing harm.
DNA Contamination Raises Serious Safety Concerns
Studies investigating DNA contamination and potential gene integration from COVID-19 vaccines have revealed concerning findings indicating that DNA contamination, reported across multiple manufacturers, vaccine platforms, and geographic regions, far exceeds the thresholds recommended by regulatory agencies, including the FDA. Moreover, DNA contamination levels below regulatory thresholds may still pose significant health risks.
Residual plasmid DNA in the mRNA vaccines raises concerns about potential genomic integration, which could lead to unintended genetic consequences. Regulatory bodies have historically placed strict safety limits on DNA contamination in biologics, but the study suggests that COVID-19 vaccines have bypassed these regulations. The authors argue that this issue alone should warrant an immediate market recall to prevent potential long-term genetic risks.
Growing Calls for Market Removal
The study’s findings align with growing calls from the medical and scientific community to remove COVID-19 vaccines from the market. More than 81,000 physicians, scientists, researchers, and concerned citizens, along with 240 elected government officials, 17 professional public health and physician organizations, two state Republican Parties, 17 Republican Party county committees, and multiple scientific studies worldwide, have issued formal statements advocating for the immediate withdrawal of COVID-19 vaccines.
Supporting COVID-19 vaccination goes against good medical practice and violates the Hippocratic Oath doctors take to “do no harm,” the authors said. “Immediate removal of COVID-19 vaccines from the market is essential to prevent further loss of life and ensure the next steps for accountability are taken.”