Study Shows mRNA from Pfizer and Moderna’s COVID Vaccines Pass Through Breastmilk to Infants

A new study published Sept. 26 in the Journal of the American Medical Association shows messenger RNA (mRNA) from Pfizer and Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccines pass through breastmilk and can transfer to a fetus who isn’t even within the age range that a COVID vaccine is authorized for.

Unfortunately, the paper was not published as an “open access” article, which means most people will not be able to obtain a copy of it easily.

During the past two years, experts from across the world have warned about the dangers of experimental COVID-19 vaccines and the recommendation that, despite having never been tested in pregnant or lactating women, these individuals could receive one, two, three or even four doses of a vaccine.

The initial messenger RNA (mRNA) clinical trials excluded several vulnerable groups, including young children, pregnant and lactating women. It was entirely unknown whether mRNA from Pfizer and Moderna’s COVID vaccines pass in utero to a fetus or whether it passes through human breastmilk to an infant — and if so, what negative effects this might have on a baby.

Not a single so-called “expert” member of the vaccine advisory panels to our U.S. health agencies stood up and said they would not vote in favor of, or recommend this atrocity of a vaccine because data was missing. Not a single “expert” has stood up since and acknowledged the alarming safety signals in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System that reaffirm thousands of times over that these vaccines should not be given to pregnant or nursing women.

In the study, researchers analyzed breastmilk samples to determine if mRNA from COVID-19 vaccines were detectable in human milk after vaccination. A total of 11 healthy lactating mothers received either Moderna’s mRNA-1273 vaccine or the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine within 6 months of giving birth.

Participants were asked to collect and immediately freeze breastmilk samples at home until transported to the laboratory. Breastmilk samples were collected before vaccination to use as a control and for 5 days following vaccination. A total of 131 samples were collected 1 hour to 5 days after vaccination.

Of 11 women who were breastfeeding and received a COVID-19 vaccine, mRNA from Pfizer and Moderna was detected in 7 samples from 5 different participants at various times up to 45 hours post-vaccination.

The first sentence of the paper states that “vaccination is a cornerstone in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic,” but after you get past that first sentence required to be included in every paper that wants a fighting chance of being published in a medical journal, you get to the actual science.

“These data demonstrate for the first time to our knowledge the biodistribution of COVID-19 vaccine mRNA to mammary cells and the potential ability of tissue EVs [extracellular vesicles] to package the vaccine mRNA that can be transported to distant cells,” researchers concluded.

The study states:

“Little has been reported on lipid nanoparticle biodistribution and localization in human tissues after COVID-19 mRNA vaccination. In rats, up to 3 days following intramuscular administration, low vaccine mRNA levels were detected in the heart, lung, testis, and brain tissues, indicating tissue biodistribution. We speculate that, following the vaccine administration, lipid nanoparticles containing the vaccine mRNA are carried to mammary glands via hematogenous and/or lymphatic routes. Furthermore, we speculate that vaccine mRNA released into mammary cell cytosol can be recruited into developing EVs that are later se-creted in EBM.”

Researchers said they believe it is safe to breastfeed after receiving a COVID-19 vaccination even though there’s no research to support that assertion; however, “caution is warranted when breastfeeding children younger than 6 months in the first 48 hours after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine until more safety studies are conducted.”

“This was a frustrating paper to read because it essentially took alleged ‘misinformation’ that got scientists raked over the coals well over one year ago and doctored it into news worthy of a prestigious publication,” said Dr. Byram Bridle in a recent Substack article.

“Although I am glad these authors published the data, they did so in a fashion that is scientifically embarrassing. Specifically, they interjected subjective rhetoric, which has, unfortunately, become necessary to get past the censorship of editors of ‘upper tier’ medical journals for whom much of their income comes from big pharma.”

“At its core, this new peer-reviewed scientific publication provides clear proof-of-principle evidence that the mRNA from both Pfizer/BioNTech’s and Moderna’s COVID-19 inoculations gets into the breast milk of the lactating mother,” Bridle added.

Bridle said biodistribution concerns were raised by scientists back in May 2021, but these scientists were largely ignored. There was also a pre-print study posted on April 29, 2021, entitled “BNT162b2 vaccination induces SARS-CoV-2 specific antibody secretion into human milk with minimal transfer of vaccine mRNA.” A pre-print study has not yet been through the peer-review process and has thus, not been “officially accepted” by the scientific community.

Remarkably, this remains a pre-print article to this day and the authors will likely not receive a public acknowledgment as the first to highlight this issue, Bridle said. “Perhaps this is because the world was not ready to receive this information more than one year ago.”