In yet another unprecedented move by a government official, U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy has demanded major social networks, search engines, crowdsourced platforms, e-commerce platforms and instant messaging systems turn over information about the scale of “COVID-19 misinformation.”
Vivek also asked the public to turn in physicians and neighbors for spreading COVID misinformation and called on health care providers to submit misinformation that has negatively influenced patients and communities.
Companies have until May 2 to submit their data, although the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) cannot require anyone to comply with its totalitarian request.
According to The New York Times, the surgeon general’s office demanded tech platforms send data and analysis on the prevalence of COVID misinformation on their websites.
For examples of what constitutes “misinformation,” people were referred to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) — an agency with a credibility rating of negative 2 and an impressive ability to be wrong on just about everything.
On the CDC’s website, last updated Dec. 15, 2021, the agency provides a list of “myths and facts” about COVID vaccines. It will come as no surprise that most of the “facts” provided are categorically false.
For example, the CDC erroneously claims COVID vaccines prevent COVID and transmission of the virus to others, that the vaccine is safer than getting COVID, that any immunity provided by the vaccine is better than natural immunity (which 150 studies have shown to be equal to, more robust, or superior), that COVID vaccines cannot alter your DNA, that the 25,148 deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System are merely misinterpretations, that the ingredients in COVID vaccines are safe and that mRNA vaccines are not gene therapies.
The HHS notice asks companies to submit “exactly how many users saw or may have been exposed to instances of Covid-19 misinformation,” as well as aggregate data on demographics that may have been disproportionately influenced.
Murthy also demanded information from platforms about the major sources of COVID misinformation, including those engaged in the sale of unproven COVID products, services and treatments.
“Technology companies now have the opportunity to be open and transparent with the American people about the misinformation on their platforms,” Murthy said, adding “this is about protecting the nation’s health.”
What Murthy meant was, “technology companies now have the unprecedented opportunity to be informants, to invade the privacy of their users and expose the details of the individuals and products that threaten the federal government’s agenda.”
The statement published by the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services states:
“During the pandemic, many of us have been exposed to health misinformation — information that is false, inaccurate or misleading according to the best available evidence at the time. It can be really hard to know what is true amidst all this misinformation.
“Health misinformation has caused confusion and led people to decline COVID-19 vaccines, reject public health measures such as masking and physical distancing, and use unproven treatments.”
In other words, the government — currently bought and paid for by the pharmaceutical industry — doesn’t like that some people refused experimental COVID vaccines, refused to breathe in their own carbon dioxide, wouldn’t stay six feet apart, did their own research, or chose safe, effective and inexpensive treatments like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine to treat their COVID— two drugs that threaten Pfizer, Merck and Moderna’s billion-dollar bottom line.
Despite the one billion dollars spent by the federal government to push propaganda via every major media outlet on COVID vaccines, millions of Americans still said, “no.”
In a new Substack essay on Rescue with Michael Capuzzo, authors Linda Bonvie and Bill Bonvie said Murthy’s actions should set off alarm bells:
“In a government proclamation that should be setting off alarm bells for anyone who values the rights guaranteed to Americans under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution—which unequivocally states that “Congress shall make no law… abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press”—the Biden Administration is now apparently endeavoring to sidestep that Constitutional safeguard via an official request from the Office of the Surgeon General for anyone who feels they have been impacted in any manner by “misinformation” regarding the pandemic to report it in detail to the authorities. It would also like this effort to be aided and abetted by “major tech platforms,” according to The New York Times.
“In other words, the people who run our Ministry of Medicine want names.”
Six months ago, Murthy used his first formal advisory to the U.S. to demand tech and social media companies do more to stop the spread of what was deemed “dangerous health misinformation.”
The recent demand was part of the Biden Administration’s “COVID National Preparedness Plan,” which nobody but the White House is excited about.
To date, nobody is sure what “misinformation” is or how it’s defined, but it would appear to be a fluid concept that embodies whatever pharmaceutical companies and U.S health agencies consider to be the “settled science” of the day.