The transcript is not yet available, and no reporters were allowed. But from the Attorneys General who brought the suit, the plaintiffs in the case and their attorney, and other parties to the lawsuit against the Biden administration, we have some information about the deposition provided by Anthony “I am the Science” Fauci. He has […]
Anthony Fauci
New Emails Reveal Fauci, NIH Officials Considered Warning FBI About Potential COVID-19 Lab Leak
New emails obtained through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit show Dr. Anthony Fauci and top government officials publicly downplayed the possibility that COVID-19 originated in a lab in Wuhan, China, but considered warning the FBI and UK military intelligence about a potential lab leak. The unredacted emails obtained by reporter Jimmy Tobias show Fauci, […]
Breaking Investigation: NIH Hides Details of Fauci’s Royalties and $350 Million Payment Stream to Scientists
Last year, the National Institutes of Health — Anthony Fauci’s employer — doled out $30 billion in government grants to roughly 56,000 recipients. That largess of taxpayer money buys a lot of favor and clout within the scientific, research and healthcare industries. However, in our breaking investigation, we found hundreds of millions of dollars in […]
Most ‘Egregious Science Error’ of Pandemic Was to Deny Natural Immunity
Yes, Fauci has never worried about consistency or even contradicting himself one day to the next, often without explanation. Too often his doling out “the science” has felt like performance art. Still, the record is that Fauci and all his compatriots either downplayed or denied natural immunity for two years. That has been the source […]