In an interview with TrialSite News on March 27, Edward Dowd, a former managing director with BlackRock alleged Pfizer’s COVID vaccine approval was fraudulent, revealed alarming mortality data and explained how investors on Wall Street could be the key to turning things around.
Dowd was a managing director with BlackRock from 2002 to 2012 and has spent most of his career on Wall Street. He is currently a consultant for Symphonic Capital and is working to expose the fraud he believes is happening with Pfizer and Moderna — and how this affects financial markets, Wall Street and most importantly, public health.
Dowd said he “started to smell fraud” when the early signals from the doctors were ignored.
“Normally when there are adverse events and deaths at the rate we’re now seeing [with COVID vaccines] unfortunately, this thing should have been pulled in the early days of the vaccine,” Dowd said. “I saw them [doctors] being maligned, censored and de-platformed and I knew something was up.”
What really got Dowd “screaming the word fraud” was when he was approached late last year by a friend in the biotech industry who informed him Pfizer had failed its all-cause mortality endpoint.
All-cause mortality is the death rate from all causes of death for a population in a given time period and is an endpoint used to avoid such problems as bias in patient selection, missing data and changes in classification over time.
In the case of Pfizer and BioNTech’s COVID vaccine, if the companies failed their all-cause mortality endpoint, it would mean more people died in the vaccine group than in the placebo group, which is exactly what happened.
Dowd said:
“In the normal drug clinical trial study, if this was a single biotech product company and they went to the FDA and they failed this endpoint, the drug would not be approved and the stock would be down 80% the next day because investors will anticipate non-approval of the drug. So, we have a vaccine that had more deaths in the vaccine group than in the placebo group.”
“A week or two later the FDA said we’re going to hide the clinical trial data from the Pfizer trial for 75 years. I’m an investor. I’m on Wall Street. I’m not a doctor, but when I see something like that I said that’s prima facie evidence that fraud has occurred and the FDA is in on it. So that tipped me off to the thesis the FDA was on and was covering up this crime.“And at this time in the fall, anecdotes of deaths and injuries were all over the place. The VAERS database was being debated. Steve Kirsch had done a lot of work on the VAERS database and proven in my mind beyond a doubt that this vaccine should have been pulled a long time ago and it was killing and maimimg people.”
Dowd said that as an investor, he looks for data that will verify his thesis and he was about 100% sure “we’re going to start seeing insurance companies and the funeral home companies start to report results that will prove our case this vaccine is killing and maiming people.”
“And sure enough, on January 2 of this year, One America came out and said on a Chamber of Commerce call that they’d seen a 40% increase in the second half of 2021 in group life policy deaths among working-age people, and especially among the younger cohort,” Dowd said.
“They didn’t identify the vaccines,” he added. “They blamed COVID but you know, for the second half of a pandemic that’s supposedly supposed to be winding down in year two with miracle vaccines, […] I’m convinced 100% the vaccines caused that increase.”
Dowd said he has talked with numerous people about Pfizer’s fraud, including Brook Jackson — the Ventavia whistleblower — who disclosed overwhelming fraud during Pfizer’s clinical trial. Dowd said you could get lost in the fraud but one thing stuck out to him — Pfizer unblinded the clinical trial and then included information from unblinded participants in the data when it should have been thrown out.
Insurance companies report skyrocketing deaths among healthy, young people
Dowd said numerous insurance companies have reported increased mortality rates during the second half of 2021. Some “called out younger age people specifically,” he added. Funeral home directors and actuaries are also producing data showing similar results.
“Well, that’s curious. In a miracle vaccine situation, this shouldn’t be occurring, especially in young people,” Dowd said.
Dowd uncovered another piece of data showing excess deaths in the millennial cohort increased at the end of 2020, tailed off, and then continued to accelerate throughout 2021 — increasing by 84% from a baseline death rate in 2019 — with a large, rapid spike in August, September and October when Biden’s vaccine mandates were implemented.
Dowd explained:
“The reason why that’s important is because that’s a very short burst of deaths in a very finite time frame. What happened there? Mandates happened and everyone had to go get jabs to keep their jobs. So you can’t explain away in this cohort that they decided to all commit suicide in a three month time frame. They didn’t all decide to overdose on Fentanyl and opioids and they didn’t all decide to miss their cancer treatment screenings — which this age group doesn’t get anyway because they’re younger and they died.
“Those are the excuses people want to [use to] explain away this data. But for me and anybody who has any critical thinking skills — an event happened in a three month period where an excessive amount of millennials dropped dead. In fact, from March 2021 to February of this year, 61,000 excess millennials died. That’s the Vietnam War […] which lasted 10 years and killed 58,000 people. Not all of them [the deaths] are due to the vaccine but I would say many of them are.”
Dowd is making a case to Wall Street that Moderna stock is going to “drop to zero” and Pfizer will go “sub $10.”
“My goal is to get Wall Street to look at this and to start divesting themselves of these stocks,” Dowd said. “The idea is that when you see the stocks going down, point to those loved ones who are still in the matrix and say, ‘Wall Street has doubts, maybe you shouldn’t get the booster.'”
Dowd encouraged individual investors to examine whether they hold interests in Pfizer or Moderna, reaffirming to viewers that even more alarming information will be made public soon.