More than 10,000 reports attributed to COVID-19 vaccines, including 500 deaths have been removed from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), according to a data analyst who has been tracking the deleted cases.
“500 death reports have already been deleted so far to date for COVID jabs and 10,000 claims have been deleted total since the rollout for COVID,” said Albert Benavides in an interview with the Stew Peters Network. “I’ve spot-checked 2,000 of those claims and I cannot find the duplicate” report, which is a common explanation for removal.
Of the 14,000 deleted entries in VAERS, 10,000 are linked to COVID, while the other 4,000 were linked to other vaccines.
VAERS is the primary government-funded system co-managed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It is designed as an early warning system to identify vaccines that may be triggering a higher than expected number of adverse events. Although adverse events to VAERS are heavily underreported, it is still an incredibly useful system.
“VAERS is supposed to simply collect reports filled out by doctors and other medical professionals from around the country — reports of people suffering injuries and illnesses and even death after taking vaccines,” Benavides said.
“Nobody is supposed to be editing or curating or fact-checking it. It’s supposed to just be the reports of doctors for the entire world to see. But now we have evidence that that’s, in fact, not what’s happening at all.”
Benavides said the report of a 2-year-old child in Alaska who reportedly died after receiving a COVID vaccine was deleted from VAERS. That death report is now gone, and there’s no other remaining report that matches it, he added.
VAERS ID 1815096 is another example. This is the report of a 13-year-old girl in Maryland who died 16 days after receiving her first dose of Pfizer. The report was entered on Oct. 25, 2021, and deleted on April 15. VAERS claims it was deleted because it was a duplicate, but there are no 13-year-old girls in Maryland who died reported anywhere else in the database.
Of the approximately 1.2 million reports on VAERS attributed to COVID vaccines, there are roughly 27,000 deaths, which comes to around 2%, Benevides said. But taking into account the fact that the 10,000 deleted COVID reports include 500 death, the deletion rate of reported deaths comes in at a higher ratio of 5%.
He explained:
“65% of all the COVID reports [in VAERS] are classified as the lowest level: not serious … They don’t even rise to the level of office visit, emergency or in-patient hospital. But when you read them, there’s thousands of cardiac arrests, strokes, pulmonary embolisms … These are misclassified.”
Last year, the CDC was accused of deleting 6,000 death reports from VAERS; however, the agency told Reuters it deleted the entries due to “foreign reports getting combined with domestic reports.”
That’s not how the database works though. VAERS includes all reported deaths to the system, both foreign — which were submitted through the manufacturer and added to the database by the CDC — and domestic U.S. reports. One can easily do a search to exclude or include foreign reports so there’s no excuse for deleting reports that are not duplicates
According to Dr. Joseph Mercola, publicly available VAERS data reveal COVID vaccines are the most dangerous “vaccine” ever created — accounting for more injuries and deaths than all previous traditional vaccines combined over the last three decades.
But the FDA and CDC continue to perpetuate the lie that COVID vaccines are “safe and effective,” and that not a single death has been directly attributed to the shot.
The CDC on Friday released new data showing a total of 1,277,980 reports of adverse events following COVID vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and May 20, 2022, to the VAERS.
The data included a total of 28,312 reports of deaths and 232,694 serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period.